Dates Editions 2022-2024

Meeting 1

20 October 2022, Online

lntroduction to the Online Campus of DTMD University
Lucien Andre Reuter

Meeting 2

21-23 October 2022, Warsaw

Module 1: lntroduction, Diagnostic & Anatomy and Growth

Meeting 3

2 December 2022, Online

Presentation technique, Scientific Work & Writing
Moritz Kebschull
Lucien Andre Reuter

Meeting 4

3-4 December 2022, Online

Module 2: Digital Diagnostics
T. Quasten
Removable Appliances in the Mixed Dentition
M. Baxmann

Meeting 5

21-23 April 2023, Warsaw

Module 3: Fixed Appliance Technique
T. Quasten
M. Baxmann

Meeting 6

16-18 June 2023, Warsaw

Module 4: Biomechanics & Fixed Appliances Technique
M. Baxmann

Meeting 7

14-15 September 2023, Online

Presentation technique, Scientific Work & Writing II
Moritz Kebschull
Lucien Andre Reuter

Meeting 8

15-17 September 2023, Online

Module 5: Case Presentations
M. Baxmann

Meeting 9

20-22 October 2023, Warsaw

Module 6: Fixed Appliances Technique – Special Cases
M. Baxmann

Meeting 10

1-3 December 2023, Warsaw

Module 7: Wire Bending & Skeletal Anchorage and Mini implants
M. Baxmann

Meeting 11

19-21 January 2024, Online

Module 8: Craniomandibular Function & Dysfunction
M. Baxmann
Evidence Based Orthodontics
F. Ahmed

Meeting 12

16-18 February 2024, Warsaw

Module 9: Treatment of Ectopic Teeth & The Ortho-Perio Connection
A. Asker
Orthognathic Surgery and Orthodontics
M. Baxmann

Meeting 13

12-14 April 2024, Frankfurt

Module 10: Aligner Treatment
M. Peper
Digital Orthodontics-Scanning, Printing, Aligner
M. Baxmann

Meeting 14

14-16 June 2024, Online

Module 11: Digital Appliance Design & Digital Appliances for Transverse Problems
O. Liebl
Fixed Treatment, Appliance Removal and Retention
M. Baxmann

Meeting 15

19-22 September 2024, Luxembourg

Module 12: Lingual orthodontics, Esthetics and Preprothetics & Finishings, Course Summary, FAQ
M. Baxmann